Educational presentation about our seals

Feel like imagining yourself in the Wadden Sea area for a while? At the edge of a beautiful natural lake, you’ll be given an explanation about the seals that live in the Dutch Wadden area. This educational presentation about seals is about the common seals and the grey seals (or earless seals). The Dolfinarium may not be a seal sanctuary at the moment, but you will learn all about the best way to take care of these animals. Are you curious to find out more? Come and join us!

Seals are predators

These animals may be a little less friendly than their cute faces would suggest… Did you know that common seals and grey seals are the largest predators in the Netherlands? You will learn all about these facts during the informative presentation at the Zeehondenzand (Seal sand): seals eat fish, but occasionally even eat harbour porpoises and birds.

The seals hobble towards you!

Do you know why seals wobble and hobble? They have short fins, so all the seals hobble their way over to you on their bellies. Once they reach the shore, they simply roll into the water. Seals can often be spotted on land, enjoying the sun. They actually need it, too. They need the vitamin D they get from the sun for a beautiful, shiny coat.

Relax and enjoy the sun on the steps at the edge of the water during this educational show and imagine yourself in the Wadden area. An educational presentation that is also very funny – some of those seals are a bit too picky when it comes to the fish they eat…

Curious about the presentation?

The presentation with seals is open to all our park's visitors!

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